Sejuani Rework Analysis

You Mess with the Boar, You're Gunna Get the Tusks!
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

Sejuani is one stone cold lady

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Sejuani has always had a really cool kit, but she has also always been mediocre… at best. I’ve always really like the concept of this champion and I’ve really wanted her to be better, I think that day has finally come. The real issues came in Season 3 when the jungle was changed so drastically – certain champs can now clear very fast and invading is much more viable. Sejuani could clear quickly, but would do so with very low health so she’d be highly susceptible to being invaded and shut down. Also, when you finish your jungle with such low health, it was really difficult to immediately gank a lane because you would be so weak.

This rework should get rid of a lot of her issues.

Frost Armor (Passive)

Damaging an enemy with an ability or basic attack grants Sejuani bonus armor and reduces movement-slowing effects on her for a short duration.

This. This right here is awesome. By gaining a whole lot of bonus armor (10/15/20/25 based on level) Sej will be taking a lot less damage in the jungle and should have a much safer early game. This will help her survive invades and have enough health to gank. Plus, this scales pretty well into late game, 25 bonus armor for free is nothing to scoff at.

Arctic Assault (Q)

Sejuani charges forward, knocking enemies into the air and dealing magic damage to them based on their maximum health. The charge stops after knocking an enemy champion into the air.

The nice change here is that the assault will deal a percentage of enemy health in damage instead of a flat amount – this is great for bursting down big jungle creeps, especially Dragon and Baron Nashor. Otherwise, there really is nothing different about this ability and that is a good thing. Sejuani can use this ability to get into fights quickly and escape tricky situations with ease. The ability text doesn’t tell you this, but it also lets her charge over walls and cut down time wasted walking around the jungle. You can use this as a free Flash to surprise enemies over a wall or to escape bad situations. Also, pro tip: you can use it in your own jungle just to hop walls between jungle creeps for a much faster jungle clear.

Flail of the Northern Winds (W)

Sejuani’s next basic attack deals bonus magic damage to her target and all nearby enemies. She then spins her flail, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies for a few seconds.

A nice change here: The bonus on hit damage will help her actually deal single target damage and will reset her auto attack timer. This is just plain good for increasing her overall damage output and remaining a threat in team fights. Bonus: it deals extra damage based on Sejuani’s own health pool. This means you will be rewarded for being tanky and buying big health items, which you want to have anyways as a tank. Win win.

Permafrost (E)

Passive: Sejuani’s abilities and basic attacks apply Frost to enemies.

Active: Sejuani damages and slows all nearby enemies afflicted with Frost.

This is slightly changed and now every ability will apply her slow instead of just her auto attacks. This ability passive was formerly her overall passive. The active is pretty much the same as it was and remains one of Sejuani’s best abilities because of the huge range of effect. 

Glacial Prison (Ultimate)

Sejuani throws a frost-forged bola in a line. If the bola hits an enemy champion, it shatters, stunning the target and all nearby enemies. If the bola reaches its maximum range without striking an enemy champion, it shatters and slows nearby enemies.

Her ultimate has really been the best reason to ever pick Sejuani and it remains pretty much unchanged. Her ultimate is a giant skill shot that will explode on impact with a champion and freeze any and everyone in a considerably large radius. This ability is godly. It can change a team fight in seconds and remains one of the best initiators in the game. It is a very safe initiation because you don’t necessarily have to commit to a fight if you don’t want to. It kind of is like a Malphite ult, but you can just back away at the end of it. The big issue was that if you missed, you were screwed and you screwed over your whole team. Now this ability will still slow enemies near the point of impact, which means that even if you miss the direct hit, you can still initiate – it will just be much weaker than a successful skill shot. 

I really like these changes. I think that they will really do a good job fixing Sejuani’s issues in the jungle and give her a much better presence in team fights. One of my favorite things to do is a quick and simple combo of using her charge to get close to the enemy team quickly and then her ultimate for a great team fight initiation from twice her ultimate’s original range.

Additional information about Sejuani’s specific numbers and stat changes can be found on LoLWiki.

Happy patch day!

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