Player and Pals rest at base in Palworld
Image via Pocketpair

Palworld Paldeck Guide: All Pals and Elements Listed

You can catch and train a wide variety of Pals in Palworld. Here's a list of all species and their elements so far.

Palworld features a wide variety of Pals to tame, put to work, and battle alongside. Having entered Early Access on January 19, over 100 different species are available to catch. Here’s a look at all Pals and their elements in Palworld so far to act as a companion guide for your journey.

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Every Pal and Their Elements in Palworld

Flopie and Daedream smile in Palworld
Image via Pocketpair

Ahead of Palworld’s EA launch, Pocketpair revealed roughly half of the Pals appearing in the EA version of the game, each of which has been featured in the Paldeck video series on YouTube. However, loads of other Pals were also spotted in trailers and screenshots, or were otherwise mentioned in the official Discord server. With early access well underway, now we know every Pal and their associated elements in the game. Here’s a look at each Pal you can catch or breed in the EA version of Palworld.

1LamballNeutralHandiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1, Farming Lv. 1
2CattivaNeutralHandiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Mining Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
3ChikipiNeutralGathering Lv. 1, Farming Lv. 1
4LifmunkGrassPlanting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 1, Medicine Production Lv. 1
5FoxparksFireKindling Lv. 1
6FuackWaterWatering Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
7SparkitElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
8TanzeeGrassPlanting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
9RoobyFireKindling Lv. 1
10PengulletWater/IceWatering Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Cooling Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
11PenkingWater/IceWatering Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 2, Cooling Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2
12JolthogElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 1
12BJolthog CrystIceCooling Lv. 1
13GumossGrass/GroundPlanting Lv. 1
14VixyNeutralGathering Lv. 1, Farming Lv. 1
15HoocratesDarkGathering Lv. 1
16TeafantWaterWatering Lv. 1,
17DepressoDarkHandiwork Lv. 1, Mining Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
18CremisNeutralGathering Lv. 1, Farming Lv. 1
19DaedreamDarkHandiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
20RushoarGroundMining Lv. 1
21NoxDarkGathering Lv. 1
22FuddlerGroundHandiwork Lv. 1, Mining Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
23KillamariDarkGathering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 2
24MauDarkFarming Lv. 1
24BMau CrystIceCooling Lv. 1, Farming Lv. 1
25CelarayWaterWatering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
26DirehowlNeutralGathering Lv. 1
27TocotocoNeutralGathering Lv. 1
28FlopieGrassPlanting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Medicine Production Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
29MozzarinaNeutralFarming Lv. 1
30BristlaGrassPlanting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Medicine Production Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 1
31GobfinWaterWatering Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
31BGobfin IgnisFireKindling Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
32HangyuGroundHandiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 2
32BHangyu CrystIceHandiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Cooling Lv. 1
33MossandaGrassPlanting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 3
33BMossanda LuxElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 3
34WoolipopNeutralFarming Lv. 1
35CaprityGrassPlanting Lv. 2, Farming Lv. 1
36MelpacaNeutralFarming Lv. 1
37EikthyrdeerNeutralLumbering Lv. 2
37BEikthyrdeer TerraGroundLumbering Lv. 2
38NitewingNeutralGathering Lv. 2
39RibbunyNeutralHandiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Transporting lv. 1
40IncineramFire/DarkKindling Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 2
41BIncineram NoctDarkHandiwork Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 2
41CinnamothGrassPlanting Lv. 2, Medicine Production Lv. 1
42ArsoxFireKindling Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 1
43DumudGroundWatering Lv. 1, Mining Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 1
44CawgnitoDarkLumbering Lv. 1
45LeezpunkDarkHandiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
45BLeezpunk IgnisFireKindling Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
46LoupmoonDarkHandiwork Lv. 2
47GaleclawNeutralGathering Lv. 2
48RobinquillGrassPlanting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 1, Medicine Production Lv.1, Transporting Lv. 2
48BRobinquill TerraGrass/GroundHandiwork Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 1, Medicine Production Lv.1, Transporting Lv. 2
49GoriratNeutralHandiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 3
50BeegardeGrassPlanting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 1, Medicine Production Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 2, Farming Lv. 1
51ElizabeeGrassPlanting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 2, Medicine Production Lv. 2
52GrintaleNeutralGathering Lv. 2
53SweeIceGathering Lv. 1, Cooling Lv. 1
54SweepaIceGathering Lv. 2, Cooling Lv. 2
55ChilletIce/DragonGathering Lv. 1, Cooling Lv. 1
56UnivoltElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 1
57FoxcicleIceCooling Lv. 1
58PyrinFireKindling Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 1
58BPyrin NoctFire/DarkKindling Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 1
59ReindrixIceLumbering Lv. 2, Cooling Lv. 2
60RayhoundElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 2
61KitsunFireKindling Lv. 2
62DazziElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
63LunarisNeutralHandiwork Lv. 3, Gathering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1
64DinossomGrass/DragonPlanting Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 2
64BDinossom LuxElectric/DragonGenerating Electricity Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 2
65SurfentWaterWatering Lv. 2
65BSurfent TerraGroundGathering Lv. 1
66MaraithDarkGathering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 1
67DigtoiseGroundMining Lv. 3
68TombatDarkGathering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2
69LovanderNeutralHandiwork Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 1, Medicine Production Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2
70FlambelleFireKindling Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1, Farming Lv. 1
71VanwyrmFire/DarkKindling Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 3
71BVanwyrm CrystIce/DarkCooling Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 3
72BushiFireKindling Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 2
73BeakonElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 3
74RagnahawkFireKindling Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 3
75KatressDarkHandiwork Lv. 2, Medicine Production Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2
76WixenFireKindling Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 2
77VerdashGrassPlanting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 3, Gathering Lv. 3, Lumbering Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2
78VaeletGrassPlanting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 3, Medicine Production Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 1
79SibelyxIceMedicine Production Lv. 2, Cooling Lv. 2, Farming Lv. 1
80ElphidranDragonLumbering Lv. 2
80BElphidran AquaDragon/WaterWatering Lv. 3, Lumbering Lv. 2
81KelpseaWaterWatering Lv. 1
81BKelpsea IgnisFireKindling Lv. 1
82AzurobeWater/DragonWatering Lv. 3
83CryolinxIceHandiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 2, Cooling Lv. 3
84BlazehowlFireKindling Lv. 3, Lumbering Lv. 2
84BBlazehowl NoctFire/DarkKindling Lv. 3, Lumbering Lv. 2
85RelaxaurusDragon/WaterWatering Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 1
85BRelaxaurus LuxDragon/ElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 1
86BroncherryGrassPlanting Lv. 3
86BBroncherry AquaGrass/WaterWatering lv. 3
87PetalliaGrassPlanting Lv. 3, Handiwork Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2. Medicine Production Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 1
88ReptyroFire/GroundKindling Lv. 3, Mining Lv. 3
88BReptyro CrystIce/GroundMining Lv. 3, Cooling Lv. 3
89KingpacaNeutralGathering Lv. 1
89BKingpaca CrystIceGathering Lv. 1, Cooling Lv. 3
90MammorestGrassPlanting Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 2
90BMammorest CrystIceLumbering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 2, Cooling Lv. 3
91WumpoIceHandiwork Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 3, Cooling Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 4
91BWumpo BotanGrassPlanting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 4
92WarsectGrass/GroundPlanting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 3
93FenglopeNeutralLumbering Lv. 2
94FelbatDarkMedicine Production Lv. 3
95QuivernDragonHandiwork Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 3
96BlazamutFireKindling Lv. 3, Mining Lv. 4
97HelzephyrDarkTransporting Lv. 3
98AstegonDragon/DarkHandiwork Lv. 1, Mining Lv. 4
99MenastingDark/GroundLumbering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 3
100AnubisGroundHandiwork Lv. 4, Mining Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 2
101JormuntideDragon/WaterWatering Lv. 4
101BJormuntide IgnisDragon/FireKindling Lv. 4
102SuzakuFireKindling Lv. 3
102BSuzaku AquaWaterWatering Lv. 3
103GrizzboltElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 3, Handiwork Lv. 2, Lumbering Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 3
104LyleenGrassPlanting Lv. 4, Handiwork Lv. 3, Gathering Lv. 2, Medicine Production Lv. 3
104BLyleen NoctDarkHandiwork Lv. 3, Gathering Lv. 2, Medicine Production Lv. 3
105FalerisFireKindling Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 3
106OrserkDragon/ElectricGenerating Electricity Lv. 4, Handiwork Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 3
107ShadowbeakDarkGathering Lv. 1
108PaladiusNeutralLumbering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 2
109NecromusDarkLumbering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 2
110FrostallionIceCooling Lv. 4
110BFrostallion NoctDarkGathering Lv. 4
111JetragonDragonGathering Lv. 3

How Many Pals are in Palworld?

A group of different Pals take a nap in Palworld
Image via Pocketpair

Just 51 Pals were featured in the Paldeck video series prior to Palworld’s EA launch, but a whopping 111 different species and variants can be obtained in the game — and even more will be added with its full release. Including those showcased in game trailers and official images, just over 80 Pals were recognizable by fans following Pocketpair’s development process on Discord before launch. I’m loving the designs of Pals like Shadowbeak and Direhowl, so I’m excited to see what else is in store with the game’s full release.

How Many Elements are There in Palworld?

Unnamed fox-like Pal in Palworld
Image via Pocketpair

There are nine elements that Pals can fall under in Palworld, including the following.

  • Grass
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Neutral
  • Electric
  • Ground
  • Ice
  • Dragon
  • Dark

Most Pals are defined by just one element, but certain species can harness the power of two elements at once — much like dual-type Pokemon. This includes Pals like Reptyro, which is both Fire and Ground.

Moreover, uncommon specimens can appear every once in a while, sporting atypical elements. At times, they may even boast a second altogether. These are known as Fusion Pals. While these Pals are certainly unique, this alone doesn’t guarantee that they’re any stronger than others of the same species.

That being said, breeding a variety of Pals allows you to raise stronger partners with uncommon element combinations and beneficial Passive Skills, to boot. As we await Palworld’s full release, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a chance to raise a Pal of an unused element combo in the future.

For now, that’s everything we know about Palworld’s Pals and their elements. Check out our guides collection for updates, Game Pass availability details, system requirements, and more here at GameSkinny.

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Image of Olivia Rolls
Olivia Rolls
Contributing Writer
Olivia Rolls earned her degree in English from the College of Central Florida in 2021 and began her career as a freelance writer at Screen Rant the following year. She currently directs her creative efforts toward offering tips and insight on a wide variety of game titles at GameSkinny and BGFG, a passion she's held close to her heart since adventuring alongside Chikorita in Pokémon Crystal as a child. Olivia's all-time favorite franchises are Pokémon and Animal Crossing, but she's generally fond of fantasy RPGs and cozy games of all kinds. She's also a budding animanga enthusiast, her personal big three being Jujutsu Kaisen, Fruits Basket, and InuYasha.