Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Adversarial Multiplayer Modes

Assassin's Creed 4 has several Adversarial Multiplayer Modes. Find out which one suits you the best.
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One of the major components to Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag is the multiplayer. While some of these multiplayer elements can be performed online with friends (your Wolfpack), several of them are what AC4 calls “Adversarial.” While you can still play these modes with your Wolfpack, they can also be played with online strangers. These are the free-for-all deathmatch and assassination games that fans of the previous incarnations know and love. 

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Here is quick run down of the different Adversarial Game Modes in Assassin’s Creed 4


One of the more common varieties of multi-player you can be right now, Manhunt is your standard hunter and prey game. Split into two rounds, you play as either the hunter or the target. As the hunter, it’s your job to find and assassinate your target without them catching onto you. As prey, it’s your job to pay attention to the whispers, and to find yourself a way out of dodge when the hunter comes to visit, all while avoiding drawing unwanted attention. A team mode, you can stick with your team for extra points. 

Artifact Assault

The easiest way to describe Artifact Assault is to call it Assassin’s Creed 4’s Capture the Flag. Obtain artifacts from the opposing teams area and make it back to your area, all while stopping them from doing the same thing. However, while in enemy territory, you can’t kill and must rely instead on stealth and stuns. 

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – Killing it in Multiplayer


Domination is all about making sure your team holds the most territory at the end of the game. You must attack, capture and defend neutral territories in an attempt to raise your gauge. Winning involves either having the highest filled gauge, or making sure the other team has the lowest. 


In other modes, you will encounter several “look a likes” to your desired targets. Not so in Deathmatch mode. The map is smaller, and you are supplied with a head shot of your intended victim. Find him and kill him, before your pursuers kill you, all within a limited time span. To level the playing field, the compass that is often in other multiplayer modes, is turned off. 


A variation on Deathmatch that fans of the series will remember, Wanted allows gives you a larger map, a compass, and turned on look-a-likes. This intensifies and spreads out the play. 


If you’re looking for a tougher, dirtier type of play, then the Assassinate mode is for you. There are no given targets, and instead you have to watch the cues given by other characters to figure out which ones are the NPC’s and which ones are the player characters. Nab your target before he sees you, and you can score big. 

What Assassin’s Creed 4 Multiplayer Modes are You Playing? 

A Complete List of Assassin’s Creed 4 Guides Can Be Found Here

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Image of Amanda Wallace
Amanda Wallace
Former rugby player, social media person, and occasional writer.