Simon Costelloe
Articles Published
About The Author
From an early age I knew I was destined to not only play games in my parent's basement but to also write about them poorly. It is my sincere hope that one day I will achieve my dream and become "CEO of Games". I don't know if that position exists but it should. Please follow me on twitter @SicoShock for absolutely no reason as I am still learning how to use the "ol twitter machine".All Posts
In the ever evolving games industry, do you even need to buy a game in order to play it?
Simon Costelloe
Simon Costelloe
Aug 2, 2014
In Rocksteady's final Batman adventure, will the Dark Knight defeat all foes as he has done so many times before or will he be driven mad by what he has done and the crumbling of his "beloved" city around his pointy ears.
Simon Costelloe
Simon Costelloe
Aug 1, 2014
Women are often overlooked by Ubisoft, maybe because they fear that they will not reach a wide enough audience to sell their games. But is playing it safe stunting the potential of their most powerful titles?
Simon Costelloe
Simon Costelloe
Jul 30, 2014