Alberto C.
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Hunter King Coins are essential for higher tier weapons. Here's how to obtain them.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 27, 2018
By showing off what Frostbite is capable of all too often, DICE devalues the worth of many animations by making them trivial and ordinary, when they should be anything but.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 23, 2018
Do historical games need to be accurate? Or should it be sacrificed in the name of gameplay? I say yes, put that sucker on the altar. Just don't defile it entirely.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 21, 2018
You might have seen some, maybe even received a few. Guild Cards are back in MH:W. This guide will teach you what you need to know.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 20, 2018
Good games are fun, but sometimes the best way to appreciate them is by knowing just how bad games can really be. If you're feeling a bit masochistic or just morbidly curious as to what terrible RTS games are like, here are the seven worst RTS games you can find on Steam.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 14, 2018
Daydream often about alternative outcomes in history? Nuclear wasteland survival? Wonder about the consequences of nanotechnology on humanity? Here's a list of games that give us the chance to experience these situations and more had history been a bit different.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 13, 2018
Tired of the historical settings of Assasin's Creed? Sick of mages' fireballs or titles that resemble reality itself? Here are some upcoming sci-fi games for this year you might want to check out.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 13, 2018
You might have 14 characters to choose from, but there are also 7 summonable deities to bring into battle. Each being unique, you'll want to figure out which does what to better supplement your team's traits.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 5, 2018
In your quest of eternal monster hunting, you're gonna need gear -- and a lot of it. So how do you get the Boulder Bone, an item that's going to help you do that? Our Boulder Bone guide will tell you.
Alberto C.
Alberto C.
Feb 4, 2018