Hearthstone Beta – Hunter Card List

A list of Hunter-exclusive cards in the current build of the Hearthstone beta.
This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

The Hunter is just one of the nine classes available in Blizzard’s Hearthstone beta, and is represented by the mighty beastmaster Rexxar in-game.

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The Hunter’s cards provide not only beast minions (many of which having powerful abilities of their own), but also a number of field control effects in both direct and secret spell cards.

Looking at the card list below, you may notice there are not that many directly playable minions in the Hunter’s repertoire. This is for two reasons:

  • There are a number of Beast-type minions to be found in the neutral card pool.
  • Some Hunter spell cards put minions into play (Animal Companion, Snake Trap) and one minion card (Savannah Highmane) spawns minions upon death.

Due to many of the class’s exclusive minions granting beneficial effects to allies (combined with the hero ability Steady Shot), a Hunter deck can be extremely versatile, either focusing on overwhelming the enemy or controlling the field via direct control or counterplay. There are also two weapons available, to those able to obtain them.

The card list below includes the Hunter’s minions and spell cards in the current build of Hearthstone (, including those spawned by other abilities. Those that are not collectible are noted as such.

Keep in mind cards noted as being ‘Basic’ are those the player receives by default as they level their hero.

Hunter minion cards



Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: “Who let the dogs out?” he asks. It’s rhetorical.
Obtained at level 1.





Timber Wolf

Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: Other beasts totally dig hanging out with timber wolves.
Obtained at level 1.




Starving Buzzard

Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: If you feed him, he loses his whole identity.
Obtained at level 4.





Tundra Rhino

Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: Tundra rhinos are often mistaken for kodos. Or am I mistaken?
Obtained at level 8.




Scavenging Hyena

Rarity: Common
Flavor text: Hyenas prefer the bones of kodos or windserpents, but they’ll eat pretty much anything. Even brussel sprouts.
Obtained via crafting/packs.





Rarity: N/A
Flavor text: N/A
Not collectible. Has a chance of entering the field when the Animal Companion spell card is played.





Rarity: N/A
Flavor text: N/A
Not collectible. Has a chance of entering the field when the Animal Companion spell card is played.





Rarity: N/A
Flavor text: N/A
Not collectible. Has a chance of entering the field when the Animal Companion spell card is played.





Rarity: N/A
Flavor text: N/A
Not collectible. Enters the field when opponent triggers Snake Trap spell card.





Rarity: Rare
Flavor text: N/A
Not collectible. Enters the field when Savannah Highmane is killed.




Savannah Highmane

Rarity: Rare
Flavor text: In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion gets slowly consumed by hyenas.
Obtained via crafting/packs.




King Krush

Rarity: Legendary
Flavor text: The best defense against King Krush is to have someone you don’t like standing in front of you.
Obtained via crafting/packs.




Hunter spell cards


Arcane Shot

Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: Magi conjured arcane arrows to sell to hunters, until hunters learned just enough magic to do it themselves. The resulting loss of jobs sent Stormwind into a minor recession.
Obtained at level 1.




Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: You see, it’s all about throughput.
Obtained at level 1.






Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: For the person who just cannot decide what card to put in their deck!
Obtained at level 1.




Animal Companion

Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: You could summon Misha, Leokk, or Huffer! Huffer is more trouble than he’s worth.
Obtained at level 2.




Hunter’s Mark

Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: Never play ‘Hide and Go Seek’ with a Hunter.
Obtained at level 6.





Kill Command

Rarity: Basic
Flavor text: “Kill!”, he commanded.
Obtained at level 10.





Unleash the Hounds

Rarity: Common
Flavor text: You must read the name of this card out loud each time you play it.
Obtained via crafting/packs.





Rarity: Common
Flavor text: A great sniper hits the spot. Just like a delicious flank of boar. Mmmmm.
Obtained via crafting/packs.




Freezing Trap

Rarity: Common
Flavor text: “Dang, that’s cold.” –  appropriate response to Freezing Trap, or a mean joke.
Obtained via crafting/packs.




Explosive Trap

Rarity: Common
Flavor text: It traps your food AND cooks it for you!
Obtained via crafting/packs.





Deadly Shot

Rarity: Common
Flavor text: Accuracy is not a highly valued trat among the mok’nathal. Deadliness is near the top, though.
Obtained via crafting/packs.




Explosive Shot

Rarity: Rare
Flavor text: Pull the pin, count to 5, then shoot. Then duck.
Obtained via crafting/packs.






Rarity: Rare
Flavor text: Not only does it reveal your enemies, but its also great for parties!
Obtained via crafting/packs.





Rarity: Rare
Flavor text: Sometimes its as simple as putting on a fake mustache and pointing at someone else.
Obtained via crafting/packs.




Bestial Wrath

Rarity: Epic
Flavor text: The seething wrath is just beneath the surface. Beneath that is wild abandon, followed by slight annoyance.
Obtained via crafting/packs.




Snake Trap

Rarity: Epic
Flavor text: Why did it have to be snakes?
Obtained via crafting/packs.





Hunter Weapons


Eaglehorn Bow

Rarity: Rare
Flavor text: First Lesson: Put the pointy end in the other guy.
Obtained via crafting/packs.





Gladiator’s Longbow

Rarity: Epic
Flavor text: The longbow allows shots to be fired from farther away and is useful for firing on particularly odorous targets.
Obtained via crafting/packs.

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Image of Ashley Shankle
Ashley Shankle
Ashley's been with GameSkinny since the start, and is a certified loot goblin. Has a crippling Darktide problem, 500 hours on only Ogryn (hidden level over 300). Currently playing Darktide, GTFO, RoRR, Palworld, and Immortal Life.